Please keep your software updated for best results!
QuoteEmergency stop can be achieved by removing the power supply., which I think is equal to situation with mains power loss/blackout. More recent manuals also added disclaimer:
Quote...The use of this stop mode. The first sub-question is if that "emergency stop" is not the same as engaging "Stop" command?, where "stop" simply stops powering the motor and leaves it in inertial rotation state. If no air/gas at pump's vent port is applied, it would spin with very slow spindown for about 20-30 minutes until would fully stop on its own. Maybe disclaimer has in mind the danger would come from other parts of vacuum system (i.e. probability of introducing atmosphere pressure by inoperable backing pump, as cutting of power rather of whole system (as EMO buttons do) and not just selectively of TP???). Or maybe pump is indeed stopped to halt in very short time, and thus danger comes from enormous strain introduced to blades due to fast, near instantaneous de-acceleration? Could such thing even be achieved at all? One of possible way I can think about would be shorting engine coils with high resistance, so TP would work at such event as generator with very huge load and would stall (that is not good not only for blades, but for coils or more precise both rotator and stator, where both would highly overheat (and rotator is practically impossible to cool).
could lead to faults and/or damages at the pump. ...
Un 92 (Un 60 10Br, Un 88 10Br)
(Magnification (analytical) = 300000), Beam Mode = Analog Spot
(Magnification (default) = 100, Magnification (imaging) = 100)
Image Shift (X,Y): .00, .00
Formula Based on Sum of Cations = .000 Oxygen Calc. by Stoichiometry
Number of Data Lines: 20 Number of 'Good' Data Lines: 20
First/Last Date-Time: 12/12/2024 02:11:46 PM to 12/12/2024 02:53:45 PM
WARNING- Using Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) Element Correction
Average Total Oxygen: 43.860 Average Total Weight%: 96.454
Average Calculated Oxygen: 43.860 Average Atomic Number: 11.352
Average Excess Oxygen: .000 Average Atomic Weight: 20.442
Oxygen Equiv. from Halogen: .173 Halogen Corrected Oxygen: 43.686
Average ZAF Iteration: 3.00 Average Quant Iterate: 5.00
Oxygen Calculated by Cation Stoichiometry and Included in the Matrix Correction
Oxygen Equivalent from Halogens (F/Cl/Br/I), was not Subtracted in the Matrix Correction (because oxygen from halogens was greater than zero)
WARNING- Duplicate analyzed elements are present in the sample matrix!!
Use Aggregate Intensity option or Disable Quant feature for accurate matrix correction.
Combined Analytical Condition Arrays:
ELEM: Na Ca S U B Al Br Si Th S
CONDN: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CONDO: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
KILO: 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0
CURR: 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
SIZE: 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0
Un 92 (Un 60 10Br, Un 88 10Br), Results in Elemental Weight Percents
ELEM: Na Ca S U B Al Br Si Th S O
TIME: 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 ---
BEAM: 12.07 12.07 12.07 12.07 12.07 9.92 9.92 9.92 9.92 9.92 ---
ELEM: Na Ca S U B Al Br Si Th S O SUM
XRAY: (ka) (ka) (ka) (ma) (ka) (ka) (ka) (ka) (ma) (ka) ()
2079 13.280 5.456 .056 -.021 1.466 5.457 1.613 25.022 -.013 .066 43.594 95.976
2080 13.125 5.512 .056 -.007 2.028 5.395 1.793 25.223 -.003 .059 44.978 98.160
2081 13.174 5.279 .064 -.024 1.312 5.398 1.707 25.210 -.014 .064 43.315 95.486
2082 13.040 5.429 .057 -.025 1.274 5.443 1.796 25.113 -.013 .058 43.156 95.329
2083 13.406 5.342 .062 .000 1.687 5.401 1.687 25.077 .009 .064 44.108 96.843
2084 13.320 5.178 .059 -.023 1.692 5.438 1.718 25.132 -.003 .072 44.122 96.704
2085 13.306 5.343 .059 -.017 1.339 5.449 1.751 25.283 -.026 .078 43.588 96.152
2086 13.152 5.400 .063 -.004 1.539 5.413 1.727 24.909 -.003 .049 43.511 95.755
2087 13.363 5.232 .059 -.010 1.370 5.405 1.829 25.207 -.008 .067 43.493 96.007
2088 13.363 5.389 .062 .010 1.484 5.446 1.723 25.086 -.010 .074 43.725 96.352
2089 13.393 5.365 .062 -.002 1.616 5.485 1.729 25.119 -.014 .057 44.065 96.876
2090 13.415 5.260 .057 -.012 1.570 5.468 1.726 25.027 -.004 .074 43.825 96.406
2091 13.295 5.477 .049 -.016 1.491 5.441 1.730 25.173 -.002 .062 43.808 96.508
2092 13.438 5.538 .063 -.043 1.750 5.475 1.654 25.087 -.003 .082 44.436 97.477
2093 13.218 5.347 .061 -.019 1.310 5.480 1.627 25.200 -.009 .069 43.420 95.705
2094 13.321 5.324 .056 -.001 1.576 5.436 1.792 25.063 -.028 .062 43.823 96.425
2095 13.563 5.411 .059 -.015 1.662 5.476 1.768 24.963 -.004 .066 44.066 97.016
2096 13.126 5.227 .057 -.001 1.702 5.403 1.734 25.097 .002 .073 44.027 96.446
2097 13.258 5.348 .056 .007 1.829 5.441 1.755 25.101 -.021 .074 44.442 97.290
2098 13.319 5.250 .064 -.037 1.540 5.452 1.793 25.015 -.001 .071 43.697 96.164
AVER: 13.294 5.355 .059 -.013 1.562 5.440 1.733 25.105 -.008 .067 43.860 96.454
SDEV: .127 .099 .004 .014 .193 .029 .057 .093 .009 .008 .435 .697
SERR: .028 .022 .001 .003 .043 .007 .013 .021 .002 .002 .097
%RSD: .95 1.84 6.03 -103.97 12.34 .54 3.27 .37 -110.91 11.96 .99
STDS: 104 17 17 4001 43 48 7000 48 150 17 ---
STKF: .3213 .2702 .2216 .8671 .4010 .0236 .6301 .1232 .9072 .2090 ---
STCT: 4130.0 507.0 6480.7 3089.1 1627.6 1219.3 5055.2 3686.3 5079.2 2226.0 ---
UNKF: .0776 .0489 .0005 -.0001 .0013 .0304 .0135 .1541 -.0001 .0004 ---
UNCT: 997.5 91.7 13.7 -.3 5.2 1574.0 108.5 4608.8 -.4 4.4 ---
UNBG: 4.5 1.2 8.9 6.3 3.6 22.1 40.4 7.3 8.8 2.7 ---
ZCOR: 1.7134 1.0960 1.2587 1.3472 12.1592 1.7891 1.2807 1.6296 1.0996 1.6065 ---
KRAW: .2415 .1808 .0021 -.0001 .0032 1.2908 .0215 1.2502 -.0001 .0020 ---
PKBG: 223.84 74.98 2.54 .95 2.50 72.09 3.68 634.63 .95 2.64 ---
TDI%: 5.440 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 -2.139 .000 .000 ---
DEV%: .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 ---
TDIF: LOG-LIN ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- LOG-LIN ---- ---- ---
TDIT: 59.75 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 48.60 .00 .00 ---
TDII: 1002. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 4612. ---- ---- ---
TDIL: 6.91 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 8.44 ---- ---- ---