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Wish list for PI features

Started by Gareth D Hatton, April 23, 2014, 05:07:33 AM

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John Donovan

Quote from: Anette von der Handt on March 09, 2023, 01:15:47 PM
Would it be possible to have the map file conversion tool use the original map comment as the folder name?

I still use the JEOL mapping software occasionally, especially for free shape maps. All the JEOL files already only have their map number "01, 02 etc" (how helpful). The converted files all go into a folder called "ProbeImage". Now if the converted files were in a folder using the map comment name, then I would not have to spend hours renaming folders to have a resemblance of organization. Pretty, pretty please?

It is this keyword in the map condition file: $XM_AP_COMMENT%0

Yes, it is possible, but we should make sure we get this right.  By the way, the folder is named PrbImg, because the files are converted from JEOL format to PrbImg format.

For example, what if the comment is blank?  We could just fall back to PrbImg I guess. But if the comment is not blank, then maybe we should actually create subfolders under the PrbImg folder?

Also I note that there is also a sample name meta data, e.g.,

$XM_CP_PROJECT_NAME 2019-04-15_Py_HR_mapping

Should this be used instead, if the comment is blank?
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

John Donovan

Quote from: John Donovan on March 09, 2023, 04:13:45 PM
Quote from: Anette von der Handt on March 09, 2023, 01:15:47 PM
Would it be possible to have the map file conversion tool use the original map comment as the folder name?

I still use the JEOL mapping software occasionally, especially for free shape maps. All the JEOL files already only have their map number "01, 02 etc" (how helpful). The converted files all go into a folder called "ProbeImage". Now if the converted files were in a folder using the map comment name, then I would not have to spend hours renaming folders to have a resemblance of organization. Pretty, pretty please?

It is this keyword in the map condition file: $XM_AP_COMMENT%0

Yes, it is possible, but we should make sure we get this right.  By the way, the folder is named PrbImg, because the files are converted from JEOL format to PrbImg format.

For example, what if the comment is blank?  We could just fall back to PrbImg I guess. But if the comment is not blank, then maybe we should actually create subfolders under the PrbImg folder?

Also I note that there is also a sample name meta data, e.g.,

$XM_CP_PROJECT_NAME 2019-04-15_Py_HR_mapping

Should this be used instead, if the comment is blank?

That is to say, how do people utilize these sample name and comment fields when performing x-ray mapping in the JEOL software?

For example, would it make sense to create a sub folder for each converted JEOL map dataset as follows:

..\PrbImg\<sample name>_<comment>

John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

Anette von der Handt

So the project name ($XM_CP_PROJECT_NAME) creates a folder under which all the individual map files are stored. Theoretically, someone would be able to use more than one project name through the "serial analysis" function but I am not sure if anyone actually does this. As the JEOL map files are all already in the folder that bears the project name and Probe Image then saves them within each map folder, I don't think that it needs another folder with the project name generated by Probeimage.

The comment name ($XM_AP_COMMENT%0) is what I would want to see associated with my exported map files. I am not sure why anyone would leave this field one empty, especially as the software usually autofills it but I guess it could happen. In that case using the project name might make the most sense but PrbImg would work just as well.

Let me know if a screen shot of the JEOL interface and folder structure would make it easier. Thanks for entertaining my request!
Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.


Quote from: John Donovan on February 02, 2017, 12:59:55 PM
Quote from: Ben Buse on February 02, 2017, 12:56:53 PM
Quote from: John Donovan on January 31, 2017, 07:58:20 AM

Or another option would be to simply add an auto-focus checkbox and another control for the user to specify which of the 4 corner positions is the "auto-focus position".  The adjustment would then be based on that Z position offset.

Yes that would work well - specifying which ever of the 4 corners to use. Allowing user to avoid those corners which step off the material of interest. And not requiring an additional position


I'll see if Brian can add this auto-focus option to PI.  It should be relatively easy to implement for the Cameca and 8230/8530 instruments which have integrated auto-focus systems.

Did the autofocus feature ever get added to PI (of PfE for automation)? Would be nice to have an autofocus between map acquisitions. Thanks.

John Donovan

Now that Aurelien Moy is the developer for Probe Image we could certainly add this feature for Cameca and JEOL 8230/8530 instruments (we are still waiting for Japan to provide auto-focus API calls for their latest iSP100/iHP200F instruments). 

And rather than base the autofocus position on any particular scan corner it seems reasonable to utilize the center of the corners.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"


Yup, sounds good. Thanks for looking into this.

John Donovan

Oh, and FYI, Aurelien and Mike Jercinovic got the video imaging interface working for the Cameca SXFive tactis (USB) interface now in Probe for EPMA.

Contact me directly at Probe Software if you're interested in adding this capability to an existing tactis installation.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"