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Setting the signal parameters of the Noran Ultradry detector.

Started by Ara, March 20, 2023, 07:01:46 PM

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Please help me find instructions for setting the signal parameters of the Noran Ultradry detector. Too many trim resistors.

Nicholas Ritchie

Sounds like a job for a service engineer or a factory technician.
On a modern detector, any user modifiable parameters are likely to be set through software.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"
  - Teddy Roosevelt


What to do? ask the factory?
I thought this section was dedicated to hardware.
I also need a cable to connect the detector to the Noran System 7 unit. DB15-DB9. Or a diagram of such a cable for making it yourself. If you have a diagram please share.


Hello Ara,

For assistance with these issues, you should contact tech support.
I am not technically tech support, but I can get you in contact with the correct team.
Please contact me at

Alternatively, if you are located in the US, you can contact tech support here:
  (800) 532-4752
Select Option "2" For Tech Support
Select Option "9" For EDS Support


Your friendly, neighborhood, EPMA-minded EDS guy.


Hello Steve,

I wrote you an email.
Thanks for being willing to help me.



Hello everyone.
I still can't get the cable to connect the detector to the main unit.
Can anyone help me find the code for this cable? The code is needed to search the Internet.
In the figure, the cable is indicated by a red arrow.


Nicholas Ritchie

In all likelihood, this is a custom cable built in house by Thermo.  A couple of alternatives suggest themselves:

  • maybe Steve Seddio or another Thermo service engineer can send you a schematic; or
  • you can find someone else with this system and they can test the connectivity of their cable to reverse engineer it.
Then you can buy the parts from Digikey or similar and build one yourself.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"
  - Teddy Roosevelt