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Difficulties Reading Beam Current (JEOL Only!)

Started by Probeman, October 02, 2014, 10:47:52 AM

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If you experience any difficulties getting a beam current measurement in Probe Image with your JEOL instrument, there is a place where one can specify a longer delay before the application tries to actually read the beam current *after* inserting the faraday cup. This mainly applies to the newest 8230/850 instruments.

For some reason each new model of JEOL EPMA instrument requires a longer "settling time" after the cup is inserted and before a beam current reading is made.

This is under Setup | Probe Image Setup menu under the Probe Specific Settings dialog as seen here:

The only stupid question is the one not asked!


Here is a better screen shot of setting the faraday cup insert delay for measuring the beam current:

From Gareth Hatton.
The only stupid question is the one not asked!