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Using StrataGEM for Thin Film Data Processing

Started by UofO EPMA Lab, May 20, 2015, 10:33:54 AM

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We use STRATAGem* for processing our multi voltage analysis (MVA) EPMA data to obtain both composition and thickness on thin films deposited on various substrates. However, if an element is present in both the film and substrate the film thickness or composition must be specified. Multiple layers can also be accommodated.

Here is the Probe for EPMA k-ratio export window for STRATAGem* reprocessing:

Here are the results for a thin film calculation in STRATAGem*:

The document attached below will be of assistance in exporting STRATAGem* results to Excel.

More discussion on thin film analysis in PFE can be found here:

* © Copyright 1993-2016 SAMx
UofO MicroAnalytical Facility

Anette von der Handt

Philip Pinard has done it again! He has created a Python-based front-end for STRATAGem.

From the webpage: "stratagemtools is a Python interface to SAMx's STRATAGem program. The interface allows, for example, to calculate k-ratios and compute film thickness in Python using the STRATAGem's OEM interface, i.e. without the normal graphical interface. It gives an object oriented approach to microanalysis calculations.

stratagemtools was developed as part of the doctorate thesis project of Philippe T. Pinard at RWTH Aachen University (Aachen, Germany) under the supervision of Dr. Silvia Richter."
Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.

Mike Matthews

Can anyone tell me what the prime reference is for STRATAGem (i.e. what journal/conference was it first announced/described in)? The website says it was first released in May 1991 but the first paper after this given is a 1993 Pouchou and Pichoir paper in Scanning Microsc. Supple. 7 which I can't find on-line.



I checked the StrataGem manual and it pointed to these two references describing the theory:

J.L. POUCHOU, F. PICHOIR and D. BOIVIN, Proc. ICEM 12, Seattle 1990; Microbeam Analysis, San Francisco Press, (1990), 120; ONERA Report TP 1990-109.

J.L. POUCHOU and F. PICHOIR, Electron Probe Quantitation, ed. Heinrich and Newbury, Plenum Press, New York, (1991), 31.

I also have this reference which shows an early release of the software with examples:

J. L. Pouchou, "X-ray Microanalysis of stratified specimens", Analytica Chemica Acta, 283, 81-97 (1993).

If I were to cite one, it would be the 1993 article.

Best regards,
John Minter

Mike Matthews


What exactly are you attempting to measure?  The Ta to O ratio?

Can you define the sample as coated with Pt?  Then you'd export a Pt coated, Ta-O film and a Si substrate sample automatically.

If it's just a few samples you can also just edit the geometry in STRATAGem after importing them.
The only stupid question is the one not asked!


OK, so you'll have to edit the geometry in STRATAGem (or BadgerFilm) after importing.

Remember, you'll only get the mass thickness unless you know the density of the Pt (and Ta-O) layers.

We always use critical angle XRD for film thickness determinations. More accurate than EPMA for thickness.
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

John Donovan

I just wanted to mention that Probe for EPMA currently outputs all analyzed elements to the STRATAGem (or BadgerFilm) export file, even if they are flagged as "Disabled for Quant", though that could change if necessary.

At the moment if you do not want to include an analyzed element from PFE in the thin film iteration calculations in STRATAGem (or BadgerFilm), you would need to change its analysis method as shown here in a screenshot from STRATAGem:

To be perfectly clear, the right click would be on the "u" character in the main window. Then one change its analysis method from the menu.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

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