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Wish List for PFE Features

Started by jeb, October 07, 2013, 11:35:16 AM

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John Donovan

Quote from: Anette von der Handt on March 26, 2024, 08:35:01 AM
Thanks for adding the import function to PictureSnapApp!

What would be handy is if there would be now a complementary export function in PFE for stage locations of unknowns (but really any kind of locations: standard/wavescans) that would allow me to export them into the PictureSnapApp compliant format with the option of either short-line labels or long-line labels as the comment.

This could either be from the Analyze! window in the right-click context menu (so that I can select subsets of positions) or similarly in the Locate menu.

I would have two main applications: one is that I could easily show locations for a single mineral type or sample without having to disable/enable the individual analyses each time in the mdb. Secondly, at times I run into problems with available memory with large images within PictureSnap but usually not within PictureSnapApp. That problem is on my side of course but it would be a super useful option.

We could do this...  but after the EPMA workshop!    :)
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

Anette von der Handt

Absolutely. Not urgent but thanks for being open as always to add it.
Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.

John Donovan

Quote from: Radek_MM on March 14, 2024, 07:06:26 AM
PHA Scan peak fit

After peaking an element we often acquire the PHA bias scan. However, in the output (Display PHA, Peaking and Peak Scan Data) we get a peak fit only for the ROM Scan for the peak position, which is automatically updated for the element in the run.

How difficult would it be to implement a peak fit for the Bias Scan, where the peak is not always as smooth as a spectrometer position peak scan?

Or would it be at least possible to implement some feature where, similar to the peak scan position update, upon clicking in the graph, the new value for the bias is automatically updated for the element (would need to be an integer without decimals) ?

Until now we need to determine the new bias by hand from the graph and note the value on a piece of paper (or the more advanced of us use excel or other digital media  :P ), then go to the PHA dialogue and type it in for every element. Now this might be not such a big deal for the daily routine analysis, but when the routine becomes a set of 20 and more elements it is quite time consuming to do this manually. Sorry for being spoiled... ;D


Now that the Athens EPMA 2024 workshop has finished:

We were able to get back to work!  I think we've implemented the right click for bias scans as you wanted:

And this right click update now also works on Cameca instruments for gain scans:

By the way, just a small aside, I've modified the simulation mode in Probe for EPMA to better simulate a gain or bias scan:

Better for teaching in the classroom using Probe for EPMA in simulation mode:
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"



AWESOME! Thank you all for your effort! This is certainly making work with many elements and complicated runs a lot easier (and faster to set up the instrument)!

I checked it with our JEOL and it works just fine. Very much appreciated!

Thanks again!

And sorry I could not join the Athens workshop this time, I was just on holiday skiing in Lapland...  :)


John Donovan

Quote from: Anette von der Handt on March 26, 2024, 08:35:01 AM
Thanks for adding the import function to PictureSnapApp!

What would be handy is if there would be now a complementary export function in PFE for stage locations of unknowns (but really any kind of locations: standard/wavescans) that would allow me to export them into the PictureSnapApp compliant format with the option of either short-line labels or long-line labels as the comment.

This could either be from the Analyze! window in the right-click context menu (so that I can select subsets of positions) or similarly in the Locate menu.

I would have two main applications: one is that I could easily show locations for a single mineral type or sample without having to disable/enable the individual analyses each time in the mdb. Secondly, at times I run into problems with available memory with large images within PictureSnap but usually not within PictureSnapApp. That problem is on my side of course but it would be a super useful option.

Your wish is granted!  :D

Download PFE v. 13.8.3 using the Help menu and you will find it in the Analyze! window right click menu as seen here:

The file format is seen here:

And when imported into PictureSnapApp:

I hope you find this helpful and I'm glad you are finding PictureSnapApp useful. For those interested in learning more about PictureSnapApp see here:

and here:

It's a sample navigation app that is more flexible than one might suspect...
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

Scott B.

Quote from: Radek_MM on March 14, 2024, 07:06:26 AM
PHA Scan peak fit

After peaking an element we often acquire the PHA bias scan. However, in the output (Display PHA, Peaking and Peak Scan Data) we get a peak fit only for the ROM Scan for the peak position, which is automatically updated for the element in the run.

How difficult would it be to implement a peak fit for the Bias Scan, where the peak is not always as smooth as a spectrometer position peak scan?

Or would it be at least possible to implement some feature where, similar to the peak scan position update, upon clicking in the graph, the new value for the bias is automatically updated for the element (would need to be an integer without decimals) ?

Until now we need to determine the new bias by hand from the graph and note the value on a piece of paper (or the more advanced of us use excel or other digital media  :P ), then go to the PHA dialogue and type it in for every element. Now this might be not such a big deal for the daily routine analysis, but when the routine becomes a set of 20 and more elements it is quite time consuming to do this manually. Sorry for being spoiled... ;D


This was a fantastic suggestion Radek.

Thanks for implementing this John. Just used it for the first time in version 13.8.3, and it turned one of my least favorite method setup chores into a 90 second breeze!

Anette von der Handt

Is it possible to add "average" to the MPB fit types? Thanks!
Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.


Quote from: Anette von der Handt on May 31, 2024, 11:29:21 AM
Is it possible to add "average" to the MPB fit types? Thanks!

Yes, sorta.

You can acquire the data as multi-point background (MPB), but then choose one of the off-peak models as shown here:

When you do that the data will still be acquired as an MPB element, but it will apply the selected off-peak model (e.g., linear, average, etc.) to the MPB intensities:

Last (Current) On and Off Peak Count Times:
ELEM:    si ka   fe ka
BGD:      MULT    MULT
SPEC:        1       2
ORDER:       1       1
ONTIM:   10.00   10.00
HITIM:    5.00    5.00
LOTIM:    5.00    5.00
HIMULT   10.00   10.00
LOMULT   10.00   10.00

In all cases where an off-peak model is applied to MPB intensities, PFE will combine the high side MPB intensities into a single high off-peak value and combine the low side MPB intensities into a single low off-peak value, and then apply the selected off-peak model to those combined values.

Pretty cool...    8)
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

Anette von der Handt

When I open a mdb file and one of the internal standard compositions differs from the local standard db composition, PFE asks if I want to overwrite the internal value or export the mdb value to the local database. It would be great if I could see the values side-by-side (either a popup table or output to the log window) before making this decision.

Also, I wish that the "cancel" option would leave everything unchanged instead of just closing the project altogether.

Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.

John Donovan

Quote from: Anette von der Handt on June 25, 2024, 04:13:04 PM
When I open a mdb file and one of the internal standard compositions differs from the local standard db composition, PFE asks if I want to overwrite the internal value or export the mdb value to the local database. It would be great if I could see the values side-by-side (either a popup table or output to the log window) before making this decision.

Also, I wish that the "cancel" option would leave everything unchanged instead of just closing the project altogether.


Can you post a screen shot of the dialog box PFE presents?
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

John Donovan

Quote from: Anette von der Handt on June 25, 2024, 04:13:04 PM
When I open a mdb file and one of the internal standard compositions differs from the local standard db composition, PFE asks if I want to overwrite the internal value or export the mdb value to the local database. It would be great if I could see the values side-by-side (either a popup table or output to the log window) before making this decision.

Also, I wish that the "cancel" option would leave everything unchanged instead of just closing the project altogether.


Your wish is granted!

This is what the old dialog warning looked like:

And here is what the new dialog looks like (for a different standard):

In addition (as requested also), if one clicks the cancel button the software now offers to make you a temporary standard database or one can select different standard database.  If one declines making a temporary standard database and also cancels the file open dialog for opening another standard database, the program will close.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"


I have been asked to undertake EPMA of fluid inclusions trapped in diamond.
Setting aside some of the more obvious difficulties, I have a matrix problem in the Probe for EPMA software.

I want to have Carbon calculated by difference, as the element.
However, I want all of the analyzed elements expressed as oxides!

Can I ask that you modify the "Formula by difference" such that any entry there does NOT automatically calculate as oxides.
And maintain the analyzed elements (only) with oxygen by stoichiometry?

Thanks in advance!

John Donovan

Can't you just add carbon by difference (element or formula) and then specify the number of carbon atoms as one and the number of oxygen atoms in the Elements/Cations window as zero?
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"


Yes, that works perfectly!
Thanks very much for the tip - in the same window I then adjusted the molar mass to 12.0107.

Probe-for-EPMA is great software, made better by the excellent support.


Quote from: AndrewLocock on July 30, 2024, 07:14:47 AM
Thanks very much for the tip - in the same window I then adjusted the molar mass to 12.0107.

What?  12.011 wasn't close enough for you?


Here's something interesting...

QuoteThe carbon isotopic composition of diamonds: relationship to diamond shape, color, occurrence and vapor composition
Peter Deines


Three hundred and thirty new 13C analyses of diamonds are presented, indicating, in conjunction with earlier published work, a range of about 30%. in the carbon isotopic composition of diamonds. The frequency distribution of diamond δ13C analyses shows a very pronounced mode at −5 to −6%.vs PDB, a large negative skewness, and a sharp boundary at about −1%.. Analyses of diamonds from the Premier and Dan Carl mines, South Africa, demonstrate that: (1) differences in 13C content that can be related to diamond color and shape are smaller than 1%.; (2) the mean 13C content of kimberlite carbonates is 1–2%. lower than that of associated diamonds; (3) significant differences in 13C content exist between the mean isotopic compositions of diamonds from these two pipes; (4) the variability in δ13C differs from one mine to the other.

I guess I'm wondering how much these isotopic variations affect the carbon atomic weight in diamond?  Here's something else interesting:
The only stupid question is the one not asked!