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beam map aspect ratio

Started by Ben Buse, May 11, 2016, 07:23:07 AM

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Ben Buse


What aspect ratio is beam map in probe image. I ran a map using the Jeol SEM aspect ratio 640x480 but it looks distorted. I'm guessing I should have know better because image acquistion in PFE is a square?-is that right? - So I want a 1 to 1 ratio?

(As you can tell I don't do many beam scan maps usually stage scan maps!)  ;D



John Donovan

Quote from: Ben Buse on May 11, 2016, 07:23:07 AM

What aspect ratio is beam map in probe image. I ran a map using the Jeol SEM aspect ratio 640x480 but it looks distorted. I'm guessing I should have know better because image acquistion in PFE is a square?-is that right? - So I want a 1 to 1 ratio?

(As you can tell I don't do many beam scan maps usually stage scan maps!)  ;D



Hi Ben,
I don't understand. You can define any aspect ratio (pixel dimensions) you want for both beams scans and stage scans in Probe Image.

The video imaging aspect ratio in PFE is specified in the Probewin.ini file.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"

Ben Buse

Your right - I don't think aspect ratio had anything to do this it - it was just a 4 um ball of metal that was charging bad -



Ben Buse

Hi John,

I'm having troulbe getting the pixel width to be the same in x and y.

I've completed the beam scan calibration using the information from the jeol software.

When I specify 256x192 pixels and 1000 mag in Jeol software. I get a distance of 120x90um. Which is 0.46875 per pixel for both x & y.

When I do the same thing in Probe Image I get a distance of 120 x 67.50 um. So its using a different aspect ratio, but also calculate x per pixel is 0.46875 and calculated y per pixel is 0.3515625.

Also if I type on Probe Image 256x256 I get 120x90um - what am I doing wrong. Oh I get it... Therefore when you do the beam scan calibration you have to enter the X(FOV) and Y(FOV) as a square - rather than what is observed on the SEM screen is this right?

I tried to change ImageInterfaceImageIxIy="1" in probewin.ini from 1 to 1.3333 to reflect the aspect ratio of the jeol SEM screen but this did not help - it just gave a distorted image.

So what I need to do is for the beam scan image calibration take the distances from the image acquired through PFE imaging is that right?



Ben Buse

Answering my own question - yes that works. Taking either the Jeol Y value (calibrated and shown in mapping tab) as X and Y for PI. Or taking the calibrated PFE imaging values.



Quote from: Ben Buse on September 15, 2016, 06:02:12 AM
Answering my own question - yes that works. Taking either the Jeol Y value (calibrated and shown in mapping tab) as X and Y for PI. Or taking the calibrated PFE imaging values.

Hi Ben,
Yes, that's right.

By the way unless you're using the Thermo or Bruker imaging interface in PFE, the imaging acquisition call for the JEOL instruments is based on a JEOL x-ray mapping call.

Also, JEOL has said they are going to provide a fast video imaging call for PFE in their new EDS API, so that should be available soon. We've iterated with them several times over the last 6 months and they are adding some final touches to the API for beam deflection, signal selection, etc.
The only stupid question is the one not asked!

Ben Buse

That would be very good when Jeol do this


John Donovan

Quote from: Ben Buse on September 19, 2016, 04:00:58 AM
That would be very good when Jeol do this.

Yes.  But on the other hand because many of our customers buy Thermo or Bruker EDS systems with their 8230/8530 JEOL instruments, they get the latest EDS capabilities (integrated EDS-WDS quantification) in addition to the Thermo or Bruker fast video SE/BSE imaging in PFE.
John J. Donovan, Pres. 
(541) 343-3400

"Not Absolutely Certain, Yet Reliable"