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Probe Image error "Value was out of range Occurred during setting spectro"

Started by emma_fisi, June 20, 2017, 11:30:08 AM

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Hi All,

I'm trying to set up a map in Probe Image, and I keep receiving the error message "Value was out of range Occurred during setting spectro position". Does anyone know how to check which value is out of range? All of our spectrometers are within range - this is just a regular major-element map, with all spectrometer positions imported from PfE.


Anette von der Handt

Hi Emma,

uh oh, did I miss something when I was over? Two possibilities: The element X-ray line is indeed right at the edge of the range for your spectrometer and after a service the spectrometer limits have shifted very slightly (a re-initialize does the trick). Or there is now a too narrow spectrometer range in your probe image setup that comes from the fact that one of your spectrometers was exchanged since the probe image installation.

Please go in ProbeImage to "Setup" - "Probe Image Setup..". Click on "Setup" next to "Stage/Spectro" (in the "Instrument" tab and make sure that the spectrometer extents are correct.

Hope this helps.
Against the dark, a tall white fountain played.